Along with fellow chemist Sherwood Rowland, Molina found that CFCschemicals commonly used as refrigerants, and colloquially known as Freonreleased into the atmosphere were contributing to ozone depletion. Their Cinmatographe was a three-in-one machine that could record, develop, and project films for an audience. Shortly after taking power, he legalized private home computers, mobile phones, and DVD players. Dec. 8, 1995. Learn more: Biography of Johannes Gutenberg, German Inventor of the Printing Press (ThoughtCo). Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Miguel Angel Ondetti has been granted more than 100 patents, including U.S. Patent 4,105,776 for "Proline Derivatives and Related Compounds" also known as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors to treat hypertension. Learn more: Ralph H. Baer, National Center for Simulation. After all that excitement, he retired from NASA in 2005 [sources: NASA]. Wouldnt it have been nice if they all could have been available for testing, and we could have allowed scientific and medical reasons to drive why one or the other came to the market in a particular place, rather than political embargoes?. Physicists had already constructed cloud chambers and bubble chambers, which spotted speeding, charged particles via condensing vapor or boiling liquid. What if we could clean them out? This designation is granted to promising drugs that are not yet licensed in the U.S. "Luis Alvarez: 1911-1988." Try this: Make your own camera obscura with a box and basic household supplies. The New York Times. Invented by scientists at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in Havana, the treatment, which its creators describe as an epidermal growth factor, is injected near the affected area and can accelerate the skin's healing process, closing a wound safely over the course of about three months. The following year, he and Felix Bloch pioneered measuring a neutron's magnetic moment, that is, its tendency to align with an applied magnetic field (an important clue that the neutrally charged particle is made of electrically charged fundamental particles). May 12, 2014. Known for: When Hopper first starting working with computers, they took up entire rooms. Nimotuzumab, patented in the U.S. in 1999 by CIM scientists, is a treatment for various head and neck cancers, including squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (tumors that form on the mucosal surfaces of the mouth, throat and nose), glioma (brain tumors) and nasopharyngeal cancer. He died in 2020. The most famous symbol of Cubas embargo-innovation balancing act are the vintage American cars. But that is just tip of the iceberg. These endeavors, combined with his contributions to cracking the Mixtec Codices, marked his best-known accomplishments in anthropology [sources: Anthropology News; Encyclopaedia Britannica; Gaillard; Smithsonian]. Their flight marked the first engine-powered manned aircraft. Try this: Watch this video to learn more about stem cells and their importance to modern medicine. famous cuban inventions. Jill Staake is a Contributing Editor with WeAreTeachers. This bicycle has a soda bottle for a fuel tank. In 1938, Alvarez identified orbital-electron capture, radioactive decay in which a nucleus absorbs an orbital electron. He published the results in 2014. Learn more: Thomas Jefferson: Inventions & Accomplishments. Find out how to build your own Da Vinci-style ornithopter with household items. But back in 1881, when Finlay first presented his extensive research suggesting that mosquitoes transmitted the disease to Havanas Academy of Sciences, he became a laughingstock. It is transmitted by sand fly bites [source: BBC; Encyclopaedia Britannica; Chinea]. Known for: Ford not only invented the automobile; he also designed the assembly line. Leyanis Hernandez wears a pair of bluetooth headphones while skating with friends on Prado, the famous walkway in Central Havana. Known for: Edison is one of the most famous inventors of all time. Photo by Ernesto. They may not have to wait long: Raul has promised to cede power in 2018, and a likely successor is Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel, a frequent Facebook user. For each one, youll find resources for more information and hands-on activities to help kids learn more about their achievements. March 2014. A new field of biochemistry opened up virtually overnight, and Leloir received the 1970 Nobel Prize in chemistry [sources: Myrbck; Parodi]. (July 3, 2014), Nobel Prize. Top 100 famous female inventors in history 1. Many Cubans can't get parts to fix the old American and Russian cars, but adding electronic entertainment is becoming popular. "Nobel Lecture: My Life with O3, NOX and other YZOXs." Can we bring a species back from the brink?, Video Story, Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Routledge. Mndez was also the first person of African heritage in space. Clockwise from left, in the photos above, the motors have been repurposed as coconut shredder, a key duplicator, a grinding wheel, and a shoe repair tool. Countries of origin include: Argentina, Cuba, Spain, United States and Venezuela. "All of these arcane rules and restrictions related to the embargo that are designed to block commerce with Cuba are keeping Americans from having access to these treatment opportunities," LaRame said. Ted Cruz is the first Hispanic-American to serve as U.S. To wit: Mark Cuban. Try this: Explore the history of the internet and find out what early web pages looked like. Roswell Park is preparing for a clinical trial to test Racotumomab in multiple myeloma, and it's prepping VSSP for three trials -- two in kidney cancer and one in breast cancer. 1970. Breakdancing has become increasingly popular and troupes like the B-Boy dancers, a subset of the Havana Queens dance company, learn moves from YouTube videos. This allowed mass production of his incredibly popular Model T and other cars. An enduring early sex symbol, the Spanish-American actress, singer, and dancer starred in more than 60 films over nearly four decades. Innovators and Inventors Andy Ruiz is one of the first to produce 360-degree video in Cuba. Try this: Experiment by building paper airplanes to see which design performs best in flight. Read on to find out more about some of the famous Cubans who have taken their culture around the world. Gaillard, Gerald. As a child in Mexico City, Molina admired his aunt, a chemist, and emulated her by converting a spare bathroom into a makeshift chemistry lab. Cancer is not one disease, but a collection of hundreds of different illnesses. She has a degree in Secondary English Education and has taught in middle and high school classrooms. Subscribe to Here's the Deal, our politics newsletter. About 1.7 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer this year, and about 600,000 are expected to die of it. May, Leopold. A new television covers the wall of an old home in Havana. (July 7, 2014), Houssay, Bernardo. His all-electronic television system made TV one of the worlds favorite past-times. Margarita Carmen Cansino was one of the biggest movie stars in the world in the 1940s and '50s. "Seeking Signs of Compatibility." Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Csar Milstein opened new doors in the diagnosis and treatment of disease with his 1975 study on monoclonal antibodies. Among younger generations, the music scene has taken a turn toward house and electronica. Known for: When he wasnt writing the Declaration of Independence or being president, Jefferson loved to tinker. June 9, 2017. Read more about Cuban inventions in How communism turned Cuba into an island of hackers and DIY engineers, Lamps made from household items like glass jars and toothpaste tubes. Bernardo Alberto Houssay was barely out of puberty himself when he began researching the pituitary gland, but then he was always a bit of a prodigy: The intelligence that helped him stand out from his seven siblings had previously earned him a spot in pharmacy school at age 14. Biographies of famous latin or hispanic inventors from the latin world: Narciso Monturiol, Ellen Ochoa, Baruj Benacerraf, Carlos Finlay, Bernardo Houssay, Luis Federico Leloir, Milstein, Severo Ochoa de Albornoz, Santiago Ram Cajal and Miguel Servet. Please be respectful of copyright. But Caso's influence extended far beyond the sciences. Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) Ada Lovelace decided to add her own notes while she was translating the notes of Charles Babbage, a mathematics professor. Photo by Ernesto Oroza. However, most transactions between Cuba and the U.S. are still prohibited, which is why Cuban drugs face additional regulatory hurdles for testing and marketing compared to other drugs developed overseas. Try this: Sprout sweet potatoes in water to learn how plants grow. "Nobel Prize. A car is rewired for a digital display in Havana. "Carlos Finlay (1833-1915)." Learn more: Ann Tsukamoto, Necessity is the Mother of Invention. Caso's exploration of early Oaxacan cultures led him to the monumental discovery and excavation of Tomb Seven at Monte Albn. The most promising change yet came Tuesday, when the Obama administration announced that American dollars will now be. Steve Wozniak (1950-present) and Steve Jobs (1955-2011) Known for: "Woz and Jobs" are two of the most famous inventors of the 20th century. Tesla was the inventor and proponent of alternating current, which was ultimately proven more reliable than Edisons direct current. Deardoff)." For as long as there have been empires, juntas and dictators, there have been ideas that are easier to suppress, mock or beat down than to face in open debate. Though he created the device, which allows scientist to examine living cells, in 1948, its still considered a crucial scientific tool to this day. (July 7, 2014), USA Science & Engineering Festival. "Yellow Fever." Learn more: Guglielmo Marconi (Brittanica). This makes finding one "cure" difficult, if not impossible. Since the Cuban government opened 35 wifi hotspots in parks and plazas across the island in July 2015, theyve become ubiquitous. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. More than 100 public wifi zones and 180 Internet cafes have opened so far. The thing that struck me most while compiling this list was the devastating effect that political forces can have on science. Before Argentine physician and biochemist Luis Federico Leloir did his groundbreaking research into the transformation of one sugar into another, combustion was well-understood, but synthesis remained a mysterious, largely guessed-at phenomenon. Known for: The Lumire brothers gave us one of the most popular inventions of all timethe movies! Haas, L. F. "Carlos Juan Finlay y Barres (1833-1915)." 1: Franklin Chang-Daz (1950-) and Ellen Ochoa (1958-), Anthropology News. We're all painfully aware of how growth, sexual maturity and metabolism kick into overdrive during puberty, but we're usually too distracted to consider the tiny bean-shaped gland with its foot on the throttle. "Carlos Juan Finlay (1833 - 1915)." 1970. Perhaps the most well-known Cuban innovation is the vaccine CimaVax. Astrophysicist France A. Crdovawas the director of the National Science Foundation, a federal agency that develops programs to advance all fields of scientific discovery, from 2014 to 2020. The Great Fever. (July 3, 2014), Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, Franklin Chang-Daz (1950-) and Ellen Ochoa (1958-), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Missed in History: Luis Alvarez Part I (podcast), Missed in History: Luis Alvarez Part II (podcast), 12 Deadly Diseases Cured in the 20th Century. At the time, yellow fever still ravaged the tropics, terrorizing populations and disrupting shipping, especially in Havana [sources: Frierson; Haas; PBS; WHO; UVHSL]. 6. Photo by Edel Rodriguez.Read more about Cuban inventions in How communism turned Cuba into an island of hackers and DIY engineers. The rikimbili, prohibited, but widely used in Cuba, is made of a bicycle with a motor attached. She was the first African-American female doctor to receive a medical patent. Learn more: The Farmboy Who Invented Television (Smithsonian Magazine). Spilling out of cafes and blasting from cars, music is a backdrop to daily life in Cuba. Gloria Estefan, Desi Arnaz, Cesar Romero, Rosario Dawson, Cameron Diaz, Marco Rubio, Jeff Bezos, Eva Mendes, Pitbull, Andy Garcia, Gilbert Arenas, and Ted Cruz are just some of the famous Cubans whom the world knows and lauds. He attended the National School of Arts in Havana and later went on to become a music professor in the 70s. Milstein was born to poor immigrant parents in Baha Blanca, Argentina, and attended the universities of Buenos Aires and Cambridge, where he earned his Ph.D. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Speaking of the immune system, when using antibodies to combat viruses or bacteria, the human immune system favors an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink approach. IUBMB Life. Nicholas Gerbis By studying burial offerings there, he proved that the Mixtec people succeeded the Zapotec as masters of the city. Two years ago, the groups of people crowding Havanas parks and sidewalks with cell phones pressed to their faces didnt exist. Instead of washing out of the sky through rainfall or oxidation, they floated into the upper stratosphere, where solar ultraviolet radiation broke them apart and set off an ozone-destroying chemical reaction. Biographies of famous latin or hispanic inventors from the latin world: Narciso Monturiol, Ellen Ochoa, Baruj Benacerraf, Carlos Finlay, Bernardo Houssay, Luis Federico Leloir, Milstein, Severo Ochoa de Albornoz, Santiago Ram Cajal and Miguel Servet. But she believed that one day theyd become more widely used and became one of the earliest computer programmers. Try this: Find an old CRT TV or monitor and learn how cathode ray tubes work using a strong magnet. Ask kids to name famous inventors, and you might get Thomas Edison or Henry Ford. But after President Obama lowered sanctions in 2009, restored diplomatic ties in 2014, and removed Cuba from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list in 2015a digital revolution has dawned. When uncontrolled diabetes causes nerve and blood vessel damage in a persons foot, it can lead to one of the most debilitating complications of the disease: the development of foot ulcers -- deep, red sores that can penetrate to the bone. New music is taking over for salsa in Havana's hippest clubs. She holds several patents for the technology to isolate various types of stem cells. Joseph and John weren't the only black inventors involved in agriculture. Since then, rum and coke has been among the world's most well-known cocktails. Multiple studies of different populations of people who have had their lower limbs amputated show that the procedure is linked to an increased risk of early death, suggesting either that surgery is a trauma many people don't survive, or that people who submit to this kind of amputation are some of the most vulnerable and at-risk patients in care. Even before a reliable Internet connection, Cubans had created their own versions of Craigslist, Yelp, and eBay. 2014. "Baruj Benacerraf." On the Dec. 12 episode of Sundial we are remembering the father of the ventanitas, Felipe Valls Sr. the inventor of the Miami coffee window and founder of arguably the most famous Cuban . (July 4, 2014), BBC. In Cuba, theres hope that loosening restrictions will help it catch up with the 21st century. Researchers can test the drug for rare diseases in clinical trials, but it's not available to the general public. His inventions include the lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin Stove. Invention/discovery . The island nation, hemmed in by a 54-year trade embargo with the U.S., cant exchange goods with one of the worlds largest economies and the largest medical market. "Franklin R. Chang-Daz (Ph.D.)" September 2012. Owners havent been able to acquire new parts since President Kennedy issued a trade embargo in 1962, so they have devised hacks to keep the cars running. (July 7, 2014), Wohl, Charles G. "Scientist as Detective: Luis Alvarez and the Pyramid Burial Chambers, the JFK Assassination, and the End of the Dinosaurs." Photo by Desmond Boylan/Reuters RIGHT: Farmer Carlos Frachi invented a crop irrigation system using soda bottles. On weekends, plazas are crammed with bands and dancers showing off their salsa moves. In the late 19th century, it was improved upon by Sarah Boone, an African American woman who was born enslaved. famous cuban inventors Jan Matejko (1838-1893): He was a famous history painter and portrait painter. Alvarez." The groundbreaking promise of cellular housekeeping. In the 1910s and 1920s, she traveled thousands of miles around Mexico, South America, and Alaska, collecting some 145,000 plant specimens in just 13 years. Why wetlands are so critical for life on Earth, Rest in compost? 6. "Alfonso Caso y Andrade: 1896 1970." A Julin Acua Gal C Fidel Castro Daz-Balart D Jos Daporta Gozlez E Ernesto Estrada F Carlos Finlay G Alberto Granado M Hctor Maseda Gutirrez Jos Carlos Mills Hilda Molina N Desiderio Navarro P Leopoldo Pando Zayas Javier Perez-Capdevila The pair have attracted devoted fans that follow their shows across Havana. It has no known side effects, and the shot costs the Cuban government $1 to make. The electric engine from the widely-owned Soviet Aurika washing machine is commonly repurposed. These animals can sniff it out. It's also trying to get clinical trials underway to replicate Cuban scientists findings, per U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations. Now, in the Internet era there are no shortage of Cuban entrepreneurs aspiring to overcome the technological drought. According to Finlays son, the speech was greeted with initial silence, followed by universal ridicule. It took another two decades before Finlays hypothesis became widely accepted. Try this: Screen movies using a homemade projector built with a cardboard box and a magnifying glass. All rights reserved. Many Cubans have relatives in the U.S., so relying on outside parts is common. "Luis W. Like a subscription service, thousands of couriers deliver a terabyte of videos, movies, music, and games via thumb drive to half the islands population each week. Photo by Ernesto Oroza & Penelope de Bozzi. These skeletons may have the answer, Scientists are making advancements in birth controlfor men, Blood cleaning? He studied in Mexico and abroad, and made his groundbreaking discovery concerning CFCs during his postdoctoral stint with Rowland at University of California, Irvine. Compared to other countries, America has filed the most patents in the life sciences, is conducting most of the world's clinical trials and has published the most biomedical research. Since then, people huddled around smartphones has become a ubiquitous sight. His research in Oaxaca led to the excavation of Monte Albn, a major Zapotec city dating from about 500 BCE, and the discovery of Tomb 7, which contained finely carved objects and tools. The late 20th century was marked by the recognition that humans could significantly affect the environment, even Earth itself. The New York Times. Closely following them are Galileo, Pythagoras, Marie Curie, Charles Darwin and Nicola Tesla. He used and improved on the technology of the time to make the first commercial steamboats. Instead, he spent those 20 years refining his theory, breeding mosquitoes, and conducting hundreds of tests to support this theory. (July 7, 2014), Nobel Prize. You may not know what reCAPTCHA is, but you see it almost every time you sign into a new website. (July 3, 2014), World Health Organization. 2. April 1971. Ochoa researched information processing at Sandia National Laboratories and NASA Ames Research Center and listed as co-inventor on three patents in optics, object recognition and image processing. May 2005. Thousands of students graduate with information technology degrees each year, but there are few jobs. Invented by researchers at the Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM) in Havana, CimaVax targets a growth factor in cancer cells in a way that can arrest the spread of the disease. "Johnson Space Center Director Dr. Ellen Ochoa." What is wind chill, and how does it affect your body? As economic and diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba continue to normalize, here's hoping that these promising Cuban medical treatments can be investigated fully in the U.S. Americans have been waiting long enough. Which travel companies promote harmful wildlife activities? (July 4, 2014), Encyclopedia Britannica. Yellow fever was wiped out of Cuba as well as Panama, enabling engineers to finally complete the Panama Canal [sources: Haas; PBS; UVHSL]. Adalberto Alvarez. Read more about Cuban inventions in How communism turned Cuba into an island of hackers and DIY engineers. Michael ZagarisMLB/Getty Images. Occurrences of yellow fever have ramped up in recent years [sources: WHO]. To wit: Mark Cuban. Learn more: The Lumire Brothers, Pioneers of Cinema. Cuba's masters of invention Cuban Raul Hernandez speaks to reporters about what he considers the smallest cows in the world. Old cells hang around as we age, doing damage to the body. He invented a way to process and store blood plasma, eventually managing two of the largest blood banks during World War II. Invented by researchers at the Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM) in Havana, CimaVax targets a growth factor in cancer cells in a way that can arrest the spread of the disease. Cuba is very poor, and yet the country has some of the healthiest, most long-lived residents in the world -- as well as a medical invention or two that could run circles around U.S. therapies, thanks to government investment in scientific research and a preventive public health approach that views medical care as a birthright. Cuban artist Ernesto Orza has spent the last decade photographing and collecting many of these creations. Convits vaccines for leprosy and leishmaniasis are no longer in use, and the search continues for universally effective and acceptable vaccines for both diseases. These notes were about the analytical engine, Babbage's theoretical invention. This was especially true in the case of the chemically inert chains of chlorine and fluorine atoms strapped to a carbon backbone known as chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs. Page 3. In 1969, Liotta developed the first total artificial heart to . Category:Cuban inventions Category Talk Edit View history Help Cuba portal Pages in category "Cuban inventions" The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total. Monoclonal antibodies in the medicine attach to epidermal growth factor receptors on the surface of the cancer cell, thus preventing it from dividing and spreading the cancer. Havanas first independent electronic music studio was started by DJ Ra. 5. George Washington Carver, though famous for his idea of peanut butter, did far more than that. The electronic DJ duo Pauza, comprising of Zahira Sanchez and Paula Fernandez, play at a restaurant across the street from the U.S. Embassy in Havana. The first, a child of Spanish immigrants, spent his life in his homeland and dedicated himself to the treatment of leprosy there; the second, born of Spanish Moroccan and French Moroccan parents, spent his formative years in Paris and most of his life in America, and studied the genetic causes of autoimmune diseases. According to the Smithsonian, Victor Ochoa had a reward of $50,000 offered for his delivery dead or alive to Porfirio Diaz, President of Mexico. Try this: Visit thrift shops to find an old panini press, then turn it into a printing press. "The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1984." The Alvarezes postulated that a giant asteroid or comet hit Earth millions of years ago, causing mass extinctions. Try this: Use an app like Roblox to design and create your own video game experience. Try this: Put together a blood model using beads or candies to learn about all the components blood contains. At home, he's building a Roomba vacuum from scratch. During World War II, he invented several radar applications, worked on the Manhattan Project and rode in a chase plane during the Enola Gay's Hiroshima bombing. It's known for being inexpensive and simple to make. Note: The first person of Latin American origin in space was Cuba's Arnaldo Tamayo Mndez in 1980, as part of a team from the Soviet Union. (July 4, 2014), Smithsonian Institution. Maldacenas research on the duality of conjecture was so groundbreaking, the participants of a 1998 string theory conference wrote a song to honor him called The Maldacena (sung and danced to the tune of The Macarena. It was the 1990s, after all). Known for: Bloodmobiles are a common sight these days, thanks to Dr. Drew. His swivel chair was an instant hit, and he also created the dumbwaiter system. History and Culture. Scottron was a . "Csar Milstein -- Biographical." Reuters. For his work, Milstein shared the 1984 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine with Khler and Niels K. Jerne [sources: Nobel Prize]. This article aims to delve into important inventions and their inventors from the perspective of the SSC CGL/CHSL and Banking examinations. Dr. David Armstrong, director of the Southern Arizona Limb Salvage Alliance and a professor of surgery at University of Arizona, says hes excited about the treatment, though he emphasized that Heberprot-P would still have to go through trials in the States to demonstrate its effectiveness. March 26, 2002. Jenny Marder. She was nominated for the position by President Barack Obama. Try this: Make your own shampoo and test how it performs. During his 75-year career, he received several honors, including Spain's Prince of Asturias Award and France's Legion of Honor. The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control has authorized the importation of some Cuban medicines in the past, but only enough to conduct research and clinical trials, according to a spokeswoman for the Treasury.