Sam: You too, I told you it would take at least thirty minutes for us to get here! ", "Yeah," said Lincoln, "she gets upset over the dumbest things! Meanwhile, Lola had woken up and was going to join her family at breakfast when she decided to check on Lincoln. Add to Favourites. "Hey, Lincoln," said Butch, "what are you doing here? Then, Ronnie Anne started crying and was immediately hugged by Bobby. He sees all of his sisters standing somewhere in the living room. "Almost there," said Lincoln, "just 1 more mile!". (They both share a hug, little did they know was that Simon and Sam also showed up at the Fro-Yo place, Sam wasn't in the best mood as she drags Simon to the Fro-Yo place). "Probably sleeping in," said Lola, "itis Saturday.". It was meant to be the finale of the 3rd season, but scrapped after it's production was done. Luna would later tell her that the song was a one hit wonder from the nineties by a band called the Divinyls. Lincoln: >annoyed< Well excuse us for trying to be better than that certain talking yellow sponge in clothes. "Lola & Leni: "Yes! Sam: Please, stop talking to me, I want nothing to do with you. Simon: >angered, to Lincoln< How dare you call her "Bland and Unsympathetic"? Lori was angry too, but at Lana. "Hi, Pop-Pop," said Lori, "what are you doing here?". Loudcest (The Loud House) Lincoln Loves his younger sisters and the feeling is mutual so much so that they'll do anything to see their big brother happy even if it means making his Harem even bigger. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my room. "Luke: "I also like style. He managed to, but with a twist. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. In fact, it was the pillow decoy Lincoln had set up, along with a folded-up piece of paper on top. ", "Oh man," said Lincoln, "we better get down!". I like dressing (for boys obviously). "Lori," said Lana, "I didn't mean too! "Man," said Lincoln, "that was a close call!". "Loud Family," said Butch, "We have a certain someone here with us.". But when they did this he discovered a power that few have learned, and very few hav. Lincoln was reading an Ace Savvy comic when Lori burst into the room. She's been gifted for as long as any of her family members could remember, she won every science fair, made ground braking discoveries, she was basically the female Einstein. ", "A mistake," gasped Rita, "Honey, you're not a mistake. Lana: Hops, what are you doing here? This Old Gal's Pressure Cooker Cookbook . Simon: >points at Lincoln< I want him to admit he's wrong! Lincoln: Not to mention she called me "Stinkoln" multiple times. ", "Geez," said Lincoln, "calm down. On the paper was a note that read"Dear Mom, Dad, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, and Lily, goodbye forever. Remember that dream I had when all of my sisters became boys? Parts 12. Clyde: >to Lincoln and Simon< And how do you feel about it verbally? "That's it," said Lincoln, "I'll go to Piperville!". Sam: >annoyed, to Simon< Alright, this will be our last stop for today, I hope you are feeling better after you got your game you wanted for Xbox One, I don't want to hear about it anymore, understand? Fro-Yo cashier: Here you go, that's one chocolate vanilla swirl and one Strawberry Banana, feel free to toppings, the total of two Fro-Yo's cost to $2.50. Read to find out. ", "Yeah," said Mark, "the best in the Northeast!". (Luna and Sam then approached Lincoln and Simon with confidence). Who gave you an idea like that? Simon: I think one sister is good enough already. ", "Oh, yes," said Albert, "your friend Steve told me everything," said Pop-Pop, "and thatwaspretty low, even for you. ", "Oh yeah," said Lana, "not even refusing to accept Lincoln's apology about breaking your phone and calling him a mistake?". Commentary is acceptable, The Story (It shows Lincoln and Leni are in the living room, looking at a scrapbook of their childhood memories) LINCOLN: There we are, Leni. "Lincoln: "Yes! He then wrote a note and stuffed some pillows under his blanket for a decoy. Oh! 87,364 87.3K. Lincoln walked outside, climbed a big oak tree in the front yard, sat down on a branch, and began to cry. What if there's an unknown sibling??? ", "Yeah," said Rita, "give him time to cool down. Lincoln: I have a few consoles hooked up to the TV, I got a Super Nintendo, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Switch and a PS4, and yes, I do have some portable consoles like a 3DS, well technically speaking the SNES and Wii belonged to Lori before she taught me how to play videogames when I was like five. ", "Luna, Leni, stop," said Lynn, "you're making me wanna cry too!". (Hops starts popping up from the tea cup scaring Simon). ", "My dad taught me," said Fred, "he has been since I was Lincoln's age. Luna: I know thing hadn't gone off on a good start, but I think we should end our--. Lana: >to Simon< Sorry about that, Hops sometimes goes to a teacup and lay on the tea. Upstairs, Lori was in her and Leni's room, plopped on her bed and crying hysterically into the pillow. "We all sat down and greeted Luke.Rita: "Luke was born just after Luan. In your face! Simon: Oh cool, I love Arcade games, much better than those mobile games on phone these days. "Linc," asked Butch, "what's the matter?". Lincoln: I remember when me, Ronnie Anne and Sid tried to fix up Lori and Bobby's relationship after their breakup. ", "What happened," asked Steve, "something at school?". (They both high fived each other, and then all four of the siblings had some Fro-Yo and then they all went into the Arcade, Lincoln and Simon were playing what appears to be a "Muscle Fish" arcade, while Sam and Luna are playing Air Hockey, Simon and Luna have their time playing Basket Ball hoops while Sam and Lincoln play Ski balls, it didn't take Luna long for her to beat the high score which hasn't been broken in years until today, then it was now Luna and Lincoln as they were playing an Ace Savvy fighting game while Simon and Sam are playing "Dance Battle", they all had a lot of fun until they realized that they were out of tokens, they all left the arcade and they sat down on the bench). Then, he got on his bike and rode away from the house. Lincoln: Lincoln Loud, funny enough I was named after one of the presidents of the United States. Sam: >to Lincoln and Simon< What did we just say? "I can't believe they miss me," cried Lincoln. "I think I better go in there," said Lola. However, Lori wasn't as excited as the rest of her sisters and her parents were and went back to her room. Lori then charged over to Lana and slapped the former across the face while everyone else gasped. When that was finished, he waited till everyone was asleep, then went downstairs. Sam: Please be good to us and don't fight! Lincoln: I've been a fan of Ace Savvy since I was about Six years old, that's when I started to watch "The Adventures of Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack: The animated series", then I got involved into reading comics. (They both looked at each other and blushed, it then cuts to Simon and Lincoln as they both seen their sisters talking to each other calmly). Clyde: Okay Lincoln, you're up first, Who is your favorite Super hero? "Lori: "Do you like anything else?? Sam: Yeah, just try to get along and talk about the superhero. HUH?! Clyde: Now for your favorite cartoon show >to audience< Again, not counting our own show. Lincoln Loud, just what is wrong with you?! "You mean that Christian singer girl James likes," asked Lincoln. Lincoln's eyes filled up as he read the letter. (Lincoln, Luna and Sam all gasped as Simon made a comment about Lincoln). Simon: I really don't know about you, but I don't want to be in a relationship just yet, whatever that means, I think it's overrated. Luna: Yeah bro, you and me are closer siblings, while you are also closer to both Lori and Leni, and I know you used to be closer too Lynn before she became more aggressive due to how much of a sports brat she is. This one shot is set in the future where Lincoln ran away after having enough of his family's insane superstitions. ", "I'm sorry about it, OK," said Lincoln, "it was an accident! Simon: Wait a minute, I remember you, you're the "Cow Pie Kid" right? (Luna then pays the cashier with Ms. Carmichael's tab, they both went to the topping session to get their toppings, Lincoln has Oreo crumbles and gummy Dinosaurs while Luna had pieces of Strawberry and Blueberries, they then sat by a table where they can communicate with each other). Luna: >interrupts Lincoln< You don't have to apologize, I already forgive you, I had no right to be mad at you and I don't want to stay mad at you, you are my little brother and I love you very much. It's got lots of neat stuff! "Luke: "Hmm, I'm also really social. Simon: You could teahc me a few trick can't you? "Thank God we got outta the way just in time," said Lincoln. (Lincoln and Simon handed Clyde their notes, Clyde reads them and he both gave them a concerned look). Sam: Yes, I have a confession to make, right after our breakup not soon before I blocked your number and on your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts, I felt very guilty, since we were a good team, even though I was still mad at you for it. The loud house-Long lost brother IzzyTheAssassin You guys know of the loud house right? Sam: >to Simon and Lincoln< From now on, you boys don't ever look, speak or hear each other anymore if you want to keep arguing. (Once both Luna and Lincoln released their hug, Luna then sees Sam and Simon in shock), (Luna then walked up to Sam and she stood still in shock, just as Sam was about to turn to Simon, she tripped on a chair and fell, Luna was looking down on her). (She gives Lincoln two thumbs up for doing the right thing, until). "Lynn: "Score! Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. That's a good console. "Why would Lori say that to me," cried Lincoln. Sam: Come to think of it, Simon and Lincoln never even met before, you think we should hang out altogether? ", "Please," said Lori, "I didn't do anything! Simon: >angered, to Lincoln< No, you are the worst and most despicable creature on the planet. Lincoln: My mom is a dentist, don't doubt me. Sam: Like you care, because if your brother doesn't want to be friends with my brother, than both of you can butt out of our lives. Luna: I thought we could give it a try when we get them both together at least. Clyde: Okay guys, have you reached the verdict? Luna: Sam! She was about the only sibling who had nothing in common with Luke. Lincoln: What about Playstation? How's that sound?". 1,245 1.2K. "Some of us matured early because life showed us the worst side of the world at an earl "The Caregiver and the Mob Boss (pt.2)" "Lincoln," said Lynn, "thank God you're OK!". James then removed a pair of noise-cancelling earmuffs he had on. Lori looked and saw Pop-Pop Albert on the porch. (Lincoln and Simon just looked at each other, without saying a word, they turned their heads away from each other, Luna and Sam were worried that it wasn't going to work well, they waited patiently for the Tea, Cookies and Muffins to get done, but in exactly thirty more minutes, the snacks were ready). "Look out, Royal Woods," said Lincoln, "Lincoln Loud is coming back to town!". "I shouldn't be talking to you," said Lincoln, "not after what you put us through.". Lincoln: Sometimes, I wish Simon would change his opinions instead of being a smart little butt! "All: "AHHH! ", "LORI," said Lynn Sr., "SHUT UP AND GO TO BED RIGHT NOW! Sam: >interrupts Luna< Breakup?, I was thinking the same thing, I'm sorry for ending our relationship due to our brothers not getting along with each other, I never should have ended our relationship. Simon: >annoyed< But the Xbox controller is very unique, plus it has better graphics and a better loading times than Playstation. Luna: HmmI think I have a better idea (The girls have taken Lincoln and Simon up to Lincolns room to check out some comics). She works for rich men, has to do all kinds of odd jobs, an Do You Literally Like Me? Lincoln: I know we hadn't had a good day yester---. Just then, James and his friends walked in the house. Luna: Apparently, you boys can't seem to stop arguing about a console can't you? "Well," said Steve, "I found the sister obviously, but where's the brother? The letter read"Dear Lincoln, I take a pen in hand to write this letter to you to express my feelings of sorrow for what I did to you. Language: English Words: 6,157 Chapters: 1/1 4 Kudos: 8 Bookmarks: Hits: 605 by Lincoln's POV:The first thing asked was "What do you like, Luke?" (The boys then grabbed their snacks and tasted them, they drank the tea sets, and ate the Cookies and Muffins, but not all at the same time, Luna and Sam were waiting for the results). Lynn Sr. called Lori and Rita downstairs and put Butch on speaker. ", "Yeah," said Lori, "and I'm Britt Nicole.". "Yum," said Lincoln, "this is the best meatball sub I've ever had! Simon: That's easy, it's Spongebob SquarePants, still the greatest cartoon show of all time. Even Luan didn't feel like playing jokes. Simon: >to Lincoln< YES IT IS, ADMIT IT, YOU DON'T HAVE A BETTER OPINION THAN MINE! Reads. This might not be an easy thing, but let's hope that whatever plan the team have will work, thanks again to the anonymous reviewer "Brother Bear" for this target, enjoy reading this newly posted chapter folks! Do you even know how much this thing even cost?! Lincoln: Oh trust me, I've done a lot of girly things in my time, like playing tea parties, dress-up, watching "The Dream Boat" Simon: >exclaims in disgust< That's what happens when you hang out with girls, they try to change you. Rita walked in, with a slice of pizza on a plate. Lori held up her phone, which had a big crack on the screen. Then, Lynn Sr. heard his cell phone ringing. "Me too," said Lisa, "I've heard it's going to be thunderstorming in this area soon.". Lincoln: Oh that game is pretty fun, but it's harder than the N. Sane trilogy. There is no longer an "Us", it's just me and Simon not interacting with neither one of--, (Sam pauses and looks at both Lincoln and Simon as they were having a friendly conversation, Sam looked confused and the same goes with Luna as she spots them both as well). "Typical," said Lisa, "he always sleeps in on Saturdays like a lot of kids do. Luna: But now it looks like we are seeing them getting along just fine. Liam: that's okay, we'll pretend we didn't see that. Lori went inside and sat down on the bed next to Lincoln. "The branch," said Butch, "it's breaking! "Well," thought Lori, "at least he didn't turn down the cake. Luna: It's like a sister protocol that usually happens in this house at some point but the exact gender opposite, it's when certain siblings fight over stupid things like how Lori and Leni fought over the dress, and the restyou don't want to know.