are clear and accessible. This approach can have significant visual, community and conservation benefits. For example, we are considering identifying safeguarding areas where proposals for other types of development would not be permitted if they would unacceptably sterilise the renewable or low carbon energy development for which they are safeguarded. We have comparable relationships with Health Trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups to identify health and well-being priorities but also extend this co-working to Friends of community park and asset groups so that we can support community activities and classes, but also share expertise and evidence that supports a broad range of future-funding proposals. Our Compact with the Voluntary and Community Sector and the Parish and Town Council Charter will be complemented by a new set of Keep it Local working arrangements, an enhanced way of working with the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector to identify better ways to deliver services to improve the lives of local people. South Gloucestershire encompasses large areas of distinctive and high quality built and natural/rural landscape, which should be safeguarded and enhanced, and where possible, incorporated into development proposals. Unlike for example domestic waste streams, radioactive waste from a nuclear power station is not generated by that local community, it is generated by that national infrastructure facility and any on site disposal would again be hosted by that local community on behalf of the nation. It is a big challenge, but we recognise the threats to our area extensive parts of South Gloucestershire are subject to flood risk and the impacts of drought, high winds, and other extreme weather events due to climate change.At the same time, our natural environment and biodiversity are under growing pressure presenting significant risks for food production, our health and economy.We have made addressing these crises a central priority and overarching theme across our Climate Emergency Action Plan and, working with our partners, residents and communities, we will take action to protect, restore and improve our natural surroundings with a focus on woodland, grassland and wetland habitats. Income generation for community infrastructure purposes does not form a material consideration in planning decisions. Go. part one covers policies for managing new development these policies have been drawn up in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and National Planning Practice Guidance, part two covers the allocation and protecting of sites and places within South Gloucestershire this includes details of town centres and site allocations, there are also links to local green spaces and heritage sites at risk. The charity makes a positive contribution to the lives of hundreds of older people in South Gloucestershire every week. A Technical Guidance document will be prepared to accompany the local plan to set out how the policy requirements of the Climate Change Policy can be achieved. Meet residual cooling demand renewably through: Set out projected annual energy demands for regulated energy use heating, cooling, hot water, lighting and power from the proposed development using the target emissions rate (from current Building Regulations Part L standards at the time of full planning or relevant reserved matters approval); and, Set out the projected annual energy demands for unregulated energy use from the proposed development; and, Show how total projected annual energy demands have been reduced via energy efficiency measures, and set out the carbon dioxide emissions associated with the remaining energy demand and the % emissions saving that will be achieved; and, Set out the choice of sustainable heating/cooling systems and how these have been selected, and the residual carbon dioxide emissions that the development will generate after energy efficiency and sustainable heating/cooling have been taken into account; and, Demonstrate how the incorporation of on-site renewable energy has been maximised to offset residual carbon dioxide emissions; and. retail, office, leisure) which include vehicular parking must include as a minimum passive infrastructure to enable the future provision of electric charging facilities; For all non-residential developments providing 10 or more parking bays, at least 20% of those bays are required to provide active charging facilities for electric or other ultra-low vehicles. National Policy Statement (NPS) EN-6 identifies an approximately 150 hectare (ha) site near Oldbury on Severn as being potentially suitable for the development of a nuclear new build power station (NNB). In addition, changes being proposed by the Planning White Paper may alter how these policies are progressed, as national guidance and legislation is amended. Proposals that support the transition to a smart energy system may include battery storage facilities. The wider environmental benefits referred to in Clause 1b include carbon dioxide reduction. We are extremely proud of what we have achieved over recent years, continuing to offer high quality services at a time when we have delivered over a hundred million pounds in annual savings. Do you have any comments on the range and scope of policies we are proposing? This will help applicants understand how the policy requirements fit together and what information is necessary to demonstrate how the policies will be satisfied. ; avoiding over-glazing; and by reducing solar gain and external temperature through orientation, built form, massing, fixed, mobile and seasonal shading and green/brown/blue infrastructure; then, Maximise passive cooling through natural ventilation, diurnal cooling, placement of thermal mass and green/ blue infrastructure; and then. Strategy Where will new development go? This might be to increase private living or amenity space or public realm improvements, for example. Policies, Sites and Places plan (PSP) - South Gloucestershire Consequently, Option 2, policy which requires residential development to reduce carbon emissions from regulated and unregulated energy use by 100%, is also presented. 1. 3. These will be addressed by other policies in the plan. Do you think there are any other issues? Electric and Ultra Low Vehicle charging provision. A classified heat network is a heat network with a definite plan to become 100% renewable within a reasonable time scale, is constructed to a high quality (in accordance with appropriate technical standards, currently CIBSE code of practice), offers a fair and affordable price to consumers, and provides annual reporting on their performance and carbon content. The changes to the Order specifically relates to the way that retail, employment and leisure uses are classified. It is not proposed that a blanket reduction be applied in these areas as individual sites may be more (or less) suitable to a reduction but instead sets out areas where it is suitable for a reduction in car parking space provision. Through the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, we can guide and set requirements for new development to ensure that climate change mitigation and adaptation is addressed wherever possible. The Accessibility Assessment can be used to justify a development sites departure from the prescribed parking standards set out in this policy and must be completed for developments within the urban zone. Given the long term nature of decommissioning, spanning many years and even generations, it is acknowledged that plans for the site will evolve over time, and the masterplan will therefore need address both interim and end states and be capable of review and revision. The Local Plan for South Gloucestershire is currently formed by the Core Strategy, the Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) Plan and the Joint Waste Core Strategy. We would like your feedback on whether we have provided the correct range of policies that we will need in the future to guide development and create exceptional places and spaces within existing and new communities. Proposals seeking to follow this route will be required to provide evidence from a Passivhaus Certifier that the proposed design would be capable of and is expected to achieve the full certified Passivhaus standard, and incorporate renewable heating and renewable energy generation technology, in order to be net zero carbon. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) A layout, form and mix of uses is established which reduces resource requirements, both during construction and operation, and which contributes to the creation of compact and walkable neighbourhoods. They said: "The M5 in South Gloucestershire is closed northbound between J18A (M49) & J17 (Cribbs Causeway) and southbound between J17 & J18 due to a collision whereby a tipper truck has collided . The Council will also explore how a percentage reduction in car parking provision could allow a percentage increase in cycle parking provision, however the details of how this may work are yet to be determined. Proposals that include an element of community ownership, or are from the community energy sector, are encouraged. The 10 characteristics from the NDG have been used to assist in the assessment of proposed design quality. For the purposes of this Policy, and in recognition of the potential of NNB to have wide ranging effects, the Council considers the following are neighbouring or relevant local authorities : Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset, North Somerset, Wiltshire, Somerset, Sedgemoor, Mendip, Stroud, Gloucestershire, Cotswold, Forest of Dean, Monmouthshire, Gloucester City, Taunton Deane and West Somerset. The site would fall within the requirements of the Radiation Emergency Preparedness & Public Information Regulations (REPPIR) 2019 and would require off site arrangements to be put in place in the event of a release of radiation. Note: Regulations are continuously reviewed and the status of the site may change in future. Adele Davison, Apprentice Engineer, South Gloucestershire Council. Evidence of climate change mitigation should be submitted to demonstrate how development proposals:a) Are to be built with materials, and construction methods, that have a low carbon footprint; andb) Are located in areas where the need to travel is minimised, the use of the private car is minimised irrespective of fuel source, and opportunities for using sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport, are optimised (in line with the approach in existing policies CS8 and PSP11); andc) Minimise energy consumption through efficiency measures at building and site level; andd) Use renewable and/or low carbon sources of heating systems; ande) Maximise passive cooling measures, and meet residual cooling demand sustainably; andf) Optimise renewable and/or low carbon energy generation; andg) Incorporate infrastructure and technology to facilitate low carbon living and working. 20. Where appropriate serviced land is left in a condition suitable for a future agreed use; oriii. Following the decision of the WECA Mayor to stop all work on the West of England Combined Authority Spatial Development Strategy, the Local Plans for Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire will now provide the strategic planning framework for the West of England Combined Authority area.The issue of housing need will now be addressed through individual Local Plans for each of the Local Councils. Also, you told us that we need to continue with our long-standing commitment to target support towards those who are most vulnerable, disadvantaged or disconnected from our services by whatever means. Our Local Strategic Partnership will have a particularly prominent role on those issues which require a joined-up approach across multiple partners, most notably in tackling the Climate Emergency, our ambitions to enhance educational attainment and in closing the inequality gap, Priority 1 Creating the best start in life for our children and young people. The North Fringe spans from Cribbs Causeway to the east, to Junction 16 of the M5 to the north, all the way to Junction 19 of the M4 for the M32. 6) Resources and lifespanWell-designed places should seek to maximise the contributions of natural resources such as the sun, ground heat and wind, and include passive measures for light, temperature, ventilation and heat. 19% of the population are aged over 65, which is expected to increase to 21% by 2043. f) The most appropriate and robust materials, street furniture and finishes have been utilised, to create a sense of place which has variety and interest, while not adding clutter within the street scene. In terms of mitigating or limiting the impacts from solar gain in developments, relatively straightforward design solutions exist, such as incorporating bris soleil, projecting canopies or the planting of deciduous trees. Achieving these and other priorities will require new policies which update and eventually replace our adopted policies. The nominated site is set in a sensitive location on the eastern bank of the internationally designated Severn Estuary, with tidal mudflats and the existing power station lagoon to the west, and the historic, flat, open landscape and habitats of the Severn Levels to the east. Design measures can help to reduce the need for heating and cooling, as well as power. 29. In December 2019, the average price paid for a residential property in South Gloucestershire was 275,000, which is considerably higher than the regional (South West) and national (England) averages (253,000 and 243,950 respectively). The greater focus and specific action plans that flow from the Council Plan will accelerate our work and highlight where we can take further positive steps to protect and enhance our natural environment, delivering improvements to residents health and wellbeing and show that economic regeneration can enable people and nature to thrive. What evidence base will support the policy? Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and related development, 12. The site includes Lagoon 3, which formerly provided open water habitat for birds associated with the estuary designations. Overarching climate change, design, green infrastructure and environment approaches; Housing, employment, retail, leisure and other commercial development; Waste, minerals and national projects like Power Stations. This policy is a key principle behind the emerging development strategy of the local plan, and it is also reinforced and supported throughout the plan by more detailed policies which cover specific issues such as design, energy management, green infrastructure, sustainable transport and renewable energy. The Magnox site is located in a rural, sensitive and visually prominent location on the banks of the internationally designated Severn Estuary, in an area of high archaeological potential and immediately adjacent to the nominated nuclear new build (NNB). You can read more in the Action Plans 17 20 document. South Gloucestershire Council to drop regional growth plan But please see the Building a Strategy, Urban Lifestyles & Creating Sustainable Villages sections for potential approaches which may involve Thornbury, Draft policy not yet available. Application of these priorities is subject to compliance with the criteria set out below and other relevant policy in the development plan. Our approaches to strategic growth policies will be informed by the emerging sub-regional Spatial Development Strategy and supporting evidence base. It will be important therefore to assess the predicted impacts of the project over time, in order to determine either their acceptability or whether additional control measures and/or mitigation are required. But above all, it is local. However, it can occur by a legal agreement that guarantees to pay a percentage of the income generated by selling heat or electricity to the grid, into a Community Trust Fund, or other suitable mechanism, controlled by the local community for spending on other local infrastructure and energy efficiency initiatives. We will inspire residents, communities, and businesses as well as national Government and agencies to take fast climate and ecological action themselves. Given the proximity to the estuary, due consideration must also be given to impacts on designations and protected species, including in relation to the timing of works and any potential for disturbance. Site Allocations Sites & Criteria, CS4a Presumption in favour of sustainable development. This should include consideration of the cumulative effects on impacts that are individually found not to be significant, so for example a series of biodiversity impacts that are found to be individually not significant, when considered together may cumulatively be found to be significant (Hinkley C Connections Project Examining Authority Report to the Secretary of State (pdf)). 23. Our priority is that this best start in life is available for all children although we recognise that we need to offer bespoke support for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The Assessment is expected to be undertaken by the developer as part of their Transport Assessment/Statement. Different standards for different parts of the district? Given the scale, complexity and duration of larger NSIPs, mechanisms and contingencies to enable the modification of mitigation to address unanticipated project impacts. South Gloucestershire Council is in the process of developing a new Local Plan, which is the top-level planning document for the district, which establishes where we do and don't want to. The Phase 1 consultation ran from 27 November 2020 to 1 March 2021. Hydrocarbon Extraction (inc. Fracking), 59. There are approximately 6,000 children living in poverty in South Gloucestershire, and many more are vulnerable on account of learning difficulties, disability or circumstances influenced by their race or gender. Steps should be taken to mitigate the visual impact of any such installations. minimising impact and maximising benefits and legacy throughout the life of this intergenerational project. We recognise that in the short and medium term at least there will still be a need to ensure that sufficient parking provision if provided for private vehicles, on and off development sites. In planning this new housing, we must recognise the need to protect our natural habitats and biodiversity. Given the intergenerational timeframes involved with decommissioning, the long timeframes involved in radioactive decay, and any potential hazards associated with low and very low level radioactive materials proposed to be disposed of on site, it will be vital to ensure that mechanisms are put in place to ensure that records are available and signposted to future organisations, land owners, decision makers and regulators, and to inform land use planning into the future. Through our Community Engagement Forums and our Local Strategic Partnership, we work closely with the Police to identify the local priorities and actions for maintaining community safety. As a NSIP, the primary policies against which an application will be determined are the overarching energy NPS EN-1, along with technology-specific energy policy for nuclear power generation and other relevant national policy such as the NPPF. 6) Resources and lifespanThe conservation of natural resources, including land, water, energy and materials in buildings and development, will form part of the strategy to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, helping to provide well-designed places over the longer-term. It is important to engage with local communities at an early stage in the development process. Fossil fuel based energy installations will no longer be acceptable. We're working on an update to the Bristol local plan. South Gloucestershire has the opportunity to increase renewable energy generation and facilitate development to enable a more flexible, smart, decentralised energy system. Changes to the way the planning system operates (including national planning policy) is likely to have a strong influence on the range and content of planning policies we include in our Local Plan 2020. The zones have been created based on the Urban Lifestyles approach with a focus on designated town centres and key transport hubs. It covers the general location, type and scale of development as well as protecting what is valued about the area. Area Specific: Rural Communities, Villages and Settlements, 70. This will include a new strategy and policies to guide and manage growth and change in our area over at least the next 15 years. This will be secured through use of planning conditions. Our new Council Plan 2020 sets out how we will build on and deliver this vision, highlighting: This is your Council Plan. Nationally Important Infrastructure Projects (NSIPS) and related development, Parking Requirements, including Electric Vehicles. They have a role to play not just at the West of England scale but also at the local level, where they can provide a space-efficient alternative to driving, where walking, cycling and public transport trips are not possible. It can also bring wider environmental and economic benefits, and improve the security of our energy supply. The response from staff, business and residents has been incredible and has epitomised what South Gloucestershire has done well for many years, pulling together our skills, expertise, and commitment to support and strengthen our local communities. Ensuring we aim for high quality and progressive approaches is crucial if we are to positively address our declared Climate Emergency, build upon the lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic, and address inequalities across our communities. For projects that will result in significant effects locally, appropriate governance arrangements will need to be put in place to monitor the progress of the project, involving relevant stakeholders, and data and findings published and reviewed at intervals appropriate to each KPI. For some topic-based policies we already have prepared early drafts of policies to share, covering the following topics: Working Policy Draft Available (Strategic), Working Policy Draft Available (Non-Strategic). Bysigning up to our consultations, you can keep up with progress on the Local Plan, consultations and key updates from us. This means that where radioactive waste generation cannot be avoided or minimised at source, it will be disposed of in accordance with the relevant national policy and strategies. You can get information on their website. 7. 5) Uses, homes and buildingsDevelopments at any scale must function well and create positive and adaptable living environments. The interim storage of radioactive waste and spent fuel on site forms an integral part of the operation and decommissioning of any nuclear power station and associated facilities. Residential Parking Supplementary Planning Document. They outline the number and types of homes, jobs, services and facilities, as well as infrastructure that will be expected to be developed in South Gloucestershire. And in identifying and supporting those most in need and helping people to help themselves, we hope to raise living standards for the most disadvantaged. Local plan - Bristol City Council Population 63% of the population live in the urban area, 17% in market towns and 20% in villages and rural areas. South Gloucestershire is a great place to live, work and visit. The development plan sets out the policies and proposals for the development and use of land in South Gloucestershire. The segregated areas also allow consideration of sheltered provision, Urban Lifestyle and Accessibility Approach. As a council we have sometimes shied-away from highlighting the impacts of our work and what we have achieved, and at the heart of this plan is a new means of demonstrating how we are making a difference for you, delivering real value for money services. 16. The South Kesteven Local Plan sets out the vision, objectives, spatial strategy and policies for the future development of the district. A total population of 285,100 in 2019 which is projected to rise to 354,300 in 2043. Local Plan 2020 - Phase 1 Issues and Approaches - South Gloucestershire We are developing a new Local Plan for South Gloucestershire, called the Local Plan 2020. It sets out what development should happen where and protects important natural spaces, buildings and streets. Is the current approach still the right approach? Consequently, whilst it is not a Development Plan document or a Supplementary Planning Document, it is a . Core Strategy policy CS37 Nuclear related Development (covers the overall approach to nuclear related development, including paragraph 12 on radioactive waste). This includes the integration where feasible of NNB with the decommissioning of the existing station, including the reuse of previously developed land, facilities and materials thereby reducing the extent of greenfield land needed for NNB and minimising the scale and extent of built form in the rural Levels and estuary landscape and seascape. Policies in our Local Plan are the starting point for making decisions on all planning applications and will be the foundation for guiding development across all of South Gloucestershire. You can search using a range of address details by. Development delivers design quality, including making a positive contribution to sustainability objectives, climate change resilience, and delivers biodiversity net gain. These provide a framework to inform early engagement between the Council and a promoter of NNB at Oldbury. In order to meet the objectives outlined in the plan the Council proposes to future proof development now in order to allow for an electric vehicle revolution.